HoodieWolf’s art and fursuits PG

Because I have not advertised a furry in ages lol!



HoodieWolf03 is a artist that specialises in toony cartoon artwork and funny situations. She also makes costumes and puppets and if you ask nicely I am sure she will make you a fursuit.

Here are a few Examples of her work from the time that I have commissioned her

[commission] Single Fox & Dragon

[commission] Trick or Treat!

[commission] Angello

You can find her prices on her FA page which Prices can very depending on what you want with a sketch been the cheapest. But I say it is money well spent and unlike a few artist she will not charge £100 for a single character.

(After saying that I have probably jinxed it and the next commission I buy off her she will probably make a £100 commission just for me XD)

[commission] Video Games

Now that I write more of this, it almost seems familiar and I may have advertised them once before on this website. Alwell at least they get a update.

For fursuits they are quite decent. Sometimes for a partial you may be shelling out £500 for a partial commission but I must say looking at the prices that is the cheapest I have even seen for partials.

There Costume/puppet part can be found on there Furaffinity page under Costume/Puppet account or just click on this link and it should take you there. Costumes/fursuits/puppet commissions

I have thought about asking for a fursuit from her before, and even though I do not have experience of buying any fursuits off of her (yet). They are plenty of people that I know that have attended the furmeet that I have seen wearing them so I would strongly recommend buying one off of her even if your not planning on having a fursona it would be great when your YouTubing. If your a gaming YouTuber even better, most people tune into a person in a well designed costume or fursuit playing video games.

But I digress and if you do not have enough money for a fursuit just get a piece of art commissioned.

You can find her page here V

You can commission her here on FA


18+ Howlr, the app that furries desirve

As we all know Valentiens day is coming up and as we all know they are a lot of single people out there that still wants to find someone.

Image result for howlr furry app

They are also a lot of furries that have not got any fur and would like to find somefur to be with. ENTER HOWLR!

Howlr is a 18+ site where you can find a furry that you have a crush on or just like the look of. Not only that but you can find friends and maybe people from a local furmeet that you have gone to. You may say to yourself. “Ooh I remeber them”

Worried that they are teenage furries and minor furries. Not to worry it is a 18+ for a reason! “But children can lie” I hear you say, not a problem they are 3 virtical dots at the top. If you find out that the person you are talking to is under the age of 18 simply report them and maybe block them. Howlr has plently of naughty seats for them.



If you want to try Howlr out and you are just so exited you can not wait here is the official pageHowlr official and, while your at it throw some money in there direction. It would be good to see how this app evolves. I imagine them to have a furmeet map and a meet up map that tells you who is meeting up and where and having a closed meet which only people who are invited can see where you are meeting up.

Now howlr is going to ask you a lot of things so listen up. One of the things it will ask you is for location. This is so that you can find other furs in your local area and they can find you. Now I know some of you maybe funny about this but let me put you at ease. The only thing that the GPS system will say is you live in Yourkshire if you live in that part of the county, or London if you live their, IT WILL NOT POINT DIRECTLY AT YOUR HOUSE WHERE YOU LIVE! And you will not get a large crowd gathering at your house with suits and tails and ears

Image result for life of brian he's not the messiah

Another thing it will ask you is too sign up with Telegram, Now you maybe a little bit funny with this one :S but I would say it is great, then it will ask you if it could sync Telegram with Howlr and for some furs they may feel a little bit weird about this.

Now let me explain what this dose is, it will use your Telegram profile picture what ever that may be and transfer it to Howlr. You will also have Howlr telegram as well. I would say as long as it is nothing inaproprite or if your not too shy if it is a photograph of you then you should be fine with it.

Image result for howlr furry app

Once you set it up you can now go exploring around Howlr though I think it is a good idea that you tell everyfur a bit about yourself. You can be as discribtive or as little as you like. It should contain at least your Hobbies and Dreams and maybe your occupation because who knows, you may just meet a person that works at the same ferm as you and you never noticed until now.

Also your fursona name or real name. It dose not matter which one you choose, sooner or later they are going to get your names ether by you telling them or by them figuring it out or fining out. Your description could be?

Hello Im, […………………………………]

I work at northen rail, and my hobbies include making fursuits and selling them on as commissions and writting stories, My dream is to one day go to New Yourk City. If you would like to chat with me you can. Do not be afride I do not bite.


Hello I am [……………………………]

I work at the northen rail and what I like to do in my spare time is to make commission fursuits for people and I write stories and fan fictions. My dream is to one day get off this dismal island and visit New Yourk City and while I am at it I may see a furry or two. I also love feet, anyfur that wants to play footsy with me is more then welcome to, Another intrest of mine are paws, I love it when a furry shows me their big paws wheather it is artwork or not. I am single and I am looking for a perfect parter to hug kiss and play some footsy with bear footed. I am always up for a chat or hang out and even a date if that is what your looking for.

It is up to you, You write what ever you want to down.

You can also use it on you Howler on your tablet but you can also use it on your phone. This makes it easier to find friends or potential dates at meets and conventions.



After you tell the furries about yourself you can ether explore or give more details. This is the regular stuff that you would probably see on any old dating site, somethings are more customizable then others. What things are we talking about here? Well it is quite straight forward.

  • Gender [but instead of the normal M/F/Other and perfer not to say you have Male, Female, Transgender, Cis female, Cis Male and maybe some more that I can not remeber]
  • Sexual Orientations [Which is asking you are you Gay, Straight, Bi, Pan, Demmi you know basic things that dating sites ask you or you could put your own. I do not know? I am a dragon Sexual and I go for anyone with a dragon species?]
  • Relationship status [This is importaint because it tells the furries who your looking for, You could be single and your not intrested so you would choose single and not looking, If your Single and you want a furry you would put Single and looking. If you have found the furry of your dream and they love you you would put in a relation ship, to tell the single furries that your taken!]
  • What are you looking for [This may change hopefully in a few years time but for now you have four choices. It is Basically chat, wink, nudge senario. If you want to be friendly chat is a good option, If PG is your thing then Hang out, Snug I am guessing is if you want to be close to a furry and Hook up is if your coragess enough to go out on a date with them! When one of the furs click or press one of these options they would automatically go to PM where they would wait on aprovel by you and visa versa. Most Bizarre Dating Websites

It lets you actually date without stopping you and demanding money unlike a certain furry dating site I know! How dating is suposed to be instead of… Well this image sums it up.]

money money money is all you need.png

  • Your location [but we have covered that]
  • Age [This tells the people who run the site that you are a adult and another neat thing is that you can choose whather you want to publicly desplay your age
  • Like [EXAMPLE I like chocolates, video games, foxes, dragons and cheesecake]
  • Dislike [EXAMPLE Crowded places, bullies, Kids, mushrooms and clowns]
  • Spoken languages [Are you multilingua? Is English your second landguege? Can you speak a little bit of French or Italian? Well get that stuff on there!]
  • Species [I bet your regreating having nine fursonas now! XD This is where you tell Howlr what animal your fursonas are? Are they a fox, dragon, dog, cat, mouse or a hybrid
  • Messaging [Where can others find you? Maybe they may like to talk to you on Discord or somewhere else?]
  • Common groups [You can join one of these and it will desplay on your profile. Let’s say you like feet and you joined a foot group, Or your a gamer and you join the Gamer group. Now anyfur with that intrest can see that and you may find someone with the same intrest as you.]




Now when you first explore the app you are going to notice they are pictures of furries both art and photographical and maybe some humans [Do not go for them they are untrustworthy 0- 0-   -0 -0 😉 I am just kidding] They will be desplayed horisontally in threes, To go to one just click or press. If you think they may make a nice friend or Boyfriend or Girlfriend press their picture.

If you want to know what to do on Howlr and how it works a little bit check out this video that a furry did on it BUT PLEASE! Take it with a grain of salt, They are some jokes in there what he/she/them/zin has made and I think they is some truth about living in a big city like America where you will get more people. But if your British like me then we just have to try harder. We are Britain we never give up!

And in most cases sernario you would choose A in your replies and conversations. Only choose B if you have chatted to them for a long time and they have kind of got to know you or if you want to be courageous and you have seen what common group they are in for example a foot group (because that is a common interest) you may say something on the lines off. “I snuggle up to your furry feet and I watch as you take off the socks, I then start to lick them as you rub them all over my face.” Of course if your going to take a risk it might help having the same intrest as the person.

It would be kind of aquird after all for a person that loves books to talk about video games to someone that loves video games “Eh.. Yah. I totally love Ma-Crash, no Fortnite, How you can gun and gun and make stuff?”



Now they are a few things you need to know about Howlr a few Downsides or upsides depending on how you look at them. They are more Men on this app which is great!

Image result for Howlr furry app

If that is what your looking for, Most of the furries in the furry fandom as a whole tend to be guys so if you are a man and your Gay you should find a man no problem! If your a Woman and your Gay I am sorry I can not really help you out because I am a man and I have not had that much experiense trying to find woman that are rooting for the other team. But they probably have a few. If your a woman looking for a man you may have half a chance. They are Bi men and a couple and few are straight. If your a man and your looking for a woman Good luck.

I am not saying that you will not find a woman if your a man on this site but it is kind of like looking for a needle in a hay stack and if you want one who is straight it is a bit of a rarity. My advice is dating a female if that is what you want to do who is Bi. No aquard questions and no thinking about how many furs she has dated love is love and if your accepting and your succesful in your dates with her she is yours. And no other fur can take that away from you.

Be aware that more guys are on Howlr has nothing to do with Howlr itself, It is just how the furry fandom is sertistically. Hay do not blame me! The furry fandom was around long before I was born.



Since it is fairly new the GPS maybe a little broken for example any furry living in the UK it will say we are living in England instead of Manchester, London, Yourkshire but I am sure this little problem will be fixed soon 🙂



Now the last Downside is and I do not know whather it has happened to anyone else or it is just me, Some of the furries Profile pictures are missing when your in Home. They are just blank with nothing but white. I may have to take a picture and show it to Howlr or post it on FA or something like that.

I do not know why this happened since it use to be alright when I first got the app. But for some reason it is not showing certain furs. That is until you click or press the blank space.



Crystal Fire kidnaps Angello



Now they are some controversial things on Howlr and I have been saving them until last.

If you have not already noticed I only just touched on the groups in Howlr and rightfully so. Other than having your normal groups like Gamer, Artist, fursuiter you also have some groups that a few furries my question (If they was not on Howlr I’m I right!) But all do fairness they have groups like BDSM, Sub, Dom.

[And since we are here for the record if you are a subbmittive you best look for somefur in the Dommanant group and if you are Dommanant you best look in the Subbmittive group. Basically Doms and Subs are a little bit like a battery You can not have a possitive without a negative…. Huh you get the picture, just a handy little tip to keep in mind.]

They have a Mursuiter group, puppy, Pony Play and Breathplay [Which I do remind anyone doing this BE CAREFUL! NO I AM NOT JOKING! If you want to try it out hold your breath for 5 seconds as you are playing with yourself for saftey and if your a beginner. If you are move on to Intermedia and just passed the Rooky stage you can hold your breath no longer than 10 seconds max while playing with yourself. Do not attempt to do other Breath play unless watched by a professional or the person that your with has a very good idea on what they are doing! I AM NOT TRYING TO SAY YOU CAN NOT DO THIS BLAH BLAH BLAH, ALL I AM DOING IS TRYING TO KEEP YOU SAFE!]

They even have a group that I have joined.



Another controversial thing that that Howlr has is the open relationship feature. Yes if you and your partner love each other but they also want to spread there love to others or whatever or one of the partner is into kinky stuff but the other partner is not and reather than denaying there kinkyness they tell them they can see others that would like to be handled in a kinky way or something.

Since other furries have this option too you may come across furries that are in a open relationship. This means you maybe able to date them but they is a reason why it is controversial. It could be seen as consensual cheating and you may get the odd furry that is secretly not alright with all of this and it could get you into a lot of trouble.

If you want to hang out with furries in a open relationship you can if you like. I am not stopping you, All I am saying it is controversial and you might, not saying you will but you might get into trouble.

So that is it. I am sure you will figure the rest of Howlr out like how to send likes, you know those little heart things and how to check your likes and see what you resived by others and chatting with other furries as well.

Well since you read all this I bet your egar to go to the app and here it is, Go make some friends and try and find your special one. Howlr