Interactive tail and ears at tune into your brain waves. How could I not put this down

Taily is a tail that wags according to your heart rate so if you are are running the tail will wag very quickly if you like me are on the laptop then the tail will wag wag slowly.

There is another tail that is the same thing but will wag according to your brain waves.

So dose the neuro ears they will bend down when you are relaxed and come up when you are focused.

Think about how revolutionary this will be when it hits the USA and the UK. Think about the furries they would love a tail that actually wags and some eairs.

What about the bronies? I am sure they will find some way to make the ears more pony looking then cat or furry looking. You can do a lot with airbrushing now a days.

There website is bellow V this link


So you may want proof before you phone up the men in the clean white coats to take me away.


A little bit of Some sort of TV show at you may or may not know^

Although she is making money I mean fun out of it for the money I mean views.

Here are the ears on the news. I think you can get the ears but the tail is a little more harder to get. A furry I know was wearing them at a furmeet at I went to.

So that is it for tails and ears so have a look around and please do not charge a foutune for them Britten!


Want a furpaw soap or some disinfectant to clean that fursuit head?

Hay are you looking for your own furry soap?
Or maybe You want a bottal of disinfectant to clean your fursuit.

What ever your cleaning needs Wash your paws have got you covered
Here is a link to there page

Or check them out on Facebook


18+ I have made a second mistake in life

In my previous post

18+ post Second life did NOT originally have furries

Witch can be located here if the writting did not take you to the link.


I thought this was only a mod and maybe it kind of is.



You buy it with in game money which you can get in game.

I was visiting a SL form and NO I AM NOT A MEMBER. I was mealy visiting.

Because let’s face it a lot of people will not be happy if they have to pay their way through second life just to get stuff.

For what I have Gathered they are 3 ways to get money.

  1. You get your credit or bank card and pay that way. In one way it is easier but another way. You have just lost some of your REAL money for the points.
  2. You find a job. You already have a job ha ha ha ha furry                            I mean in the game.                                                                                           You can get jobs according to the SL form in the game to earn some extra L points.
  3. Join a contest and if you win you will get some L points in the game. But do not be too sad if you do not win. If you keep losing the contest see 2 or 1.




Sorry my mistake so you can be a furry in the game and get the mods. Of course there is a lot of applying. If you need help Refer to YouTube because I am not on SL and as before Second Life is not a childrens game OK!

Creating your very own gif

deleat after use 8 If You want to make your very own animated cute/strange/weird whatever little gif animation for what ever reason then go to check out this website.


Here you can easily make your own brony or furry gif and if you do not want to do that you can always make another gif. Make as many gif as you want.

It is your gif it is your choice. You upload a picture then upload another picture or the same but slightly different. Upload as many as you like.

Once you are happy with your pictures download the animated gif. You can also preview your image and seeing how you like it. If everyone is to your expectations. So just play around with it their is no wrong way to do it and there is no right way to do it.



Why haven’t I been working on my post well…

I have been busy doing some things.

You see I have a memory stick and I am putting stuff on it at intrest someone else. Then I will send this memory stick to that person. I looked at my calender and thought (Oh shoot December is on it’s way) So yeah!

I would work on my projects and do some more stuff as well as advertising independent furry and brony shops but I am finding it difficult

deleat after use 8

Sorry about that it maybe a little bit embarrassing but Yes Christmas dose not help.

Ho Ho Ho It is time to take you away from that laptop and lets right Christmas cards to make you a little more stressed.

So once this persons Christmas Present is out of the way then we can go back to normal. Well as normal as this site gets anyway, and as normal as the Christmas years get on top of that. Sorry